I’ve come to realize that blogs would work a lot more efficiently if visitors to a blog could tag blog articles… Before I get into such too far, I will have to note that the blogger would first have to activate the blog tag options before visitors to their blog could use such said tag options.

The following are two different potential tagging options in which WordPress could offer:

(1) Co-Author Tags

Viewers of blog articles in which they like, but do not fully agree with what’s stated, or feel as though more could be added to such an article, would be able to click the co-author tag in order to make a revised copy of such an article. (Note: the revised copy would have to have a mandatory minimum amount of characters added to the original article, for it to be added as a co-authored article.)

Once a visitor to a blog completes a revised version of a blogger’s article, they would be able to forward such to the blogger with a comment attached…

After reading revised blog articles, the blog article’s original author would be able to do any of the following:

(A) Decide that the revised version of the blog article is indeed a better version of the original article, and decide to select a replacement option. Thereby allowing the system to delete the original article posting and replacing it with the revised version.

If such an option is chosen, the new leading article post would make mention of the co-authors of the article, with the original author being mentioned first. Also the co-author of such a blog article would get an email alert notifying them that their article revision was selected to be the replacement of the leading proceeding article.

Thereafter, any revised versions of the co-authored blog article would be forwarded to all of the co-authors of such revised articles. And the co-authors would vote in regards to either rejecting such a revised article, or accepting such with the appropriate placement.

(B) The blogger could decide that the revised blog article isn’t appropriate for their blog for any reason, and decline to accept the posting of such an article onto their blog.

If a blogger decides to decline a submitted revised blog article, the author of such a revision would be sent a note notifying them of such, which would be accompanied with any comment that the blogger may have made in regards to the revised article.

(C) The blogger would also be able to accept the revised article to follow the original article, in order to give the blog visitors the ability to see how the blog article had evolved.

(2) Potential Series Interest Tags (PSIT)

After posting a blog article, a blogger could activate a PSIT, which would be a tag on the side of an article headline, and such a tag would have an acceptance number indicated thereon.

A visitor to a blog, while viewing an article with a PSIT in which they liked, and would like to receive an email of any follow up articles of such an initial article, they would merely click onto the PSIT in order to sign up for any potential subsequent article posts.

Every time a person clicks on the PSIT to sign up for the follow up articles, the blogger acceptance number would decline, and once the total acceptance number becomes fulfilled, the blogger and followers would receive an email alert notifying them of such.

After the blogger posts any follow up articles that have the same headline of the original article with the PSIT activated, such an article would be forwarded to the general blog followers, and the PSIT article followers.

I believe both of the above stated blog “Article Tags” would make the blogging experience better for the blogger, and all the visitors of blogs.

Many different tags could easily be added… such as, for example: an “add content tag,” which would allow article readers to suggest that the blogger add particular content links, videos, etc. to the blog article. And it would be left to the blogger to decide whether or not to add such submitted content to the blog article(s).