Category: cups

During American Idol auditions, the show broadcasts the performances of both terrible and good singers, because both types of performances are entertaining in their own way.

I’ve met people who watch the auditions, because they’re more interested in the comedy aspect tied in with the airing of bad singers, than they are interested in the abilities of good singers.

On the other hand, I’ve also met individuals who only watched the episodes featuring the finalists. However, the majority of American Idol fans watch all the episodes that are aired.

All of the audition episodes that feature individual performers singing to receive a yellow ticket would be perfect for the placement of thought captions – especially since such episodes feature prerecorded content.

The thought captions could be used to show/ interpret the thoughts of both the judges and auditioners. And such added content would make such episodes more interesting, comical, and entertaining.

While watching some of the audition episodes, I take it upon myself to try and imagine what the judges and auditioners are thinking right before, during and/ or after certain auditions.

When it comes to the judges, I would like to see thought captions used the most when they make faces of shock, laughter, dread and so forth.

When it comes to the auditioners, I would like to see the thought captions being used the most when they try for a second chance, when they argue about their “singing abilities,” when they leave the audition room cursing and so forth, etc.

Viewers could participate by viewing all the auditions (aired and unaired) on the internet, and add their own thought captions and/ or vote on the though captions created by others.

I could go on and on about the thought caption situation, but I think everyone reading this article can pretty much understand where I’m going… therefore, I’ll just move on to how American Idol could come up with a better strategy to highlight the Coca Cola cups that are placed in front of each judge.

Coke pays a lot of money to be the “official sponsor” of American Idol. And one of the things in which coke gets in return for being the official sponsor, is the ability to have branded Coca Cola cups positioned in front of every judge.

The cups are noticeable, but they do not stand out in any relevant way, even during the competition when the lighting is dim.

The cups being all red with white lettering seem a tad bit dull to me, if the letter had a somewhat subtle black border, the Coca Cola brand name would be a bit more prominent.

American Idol could take the easy path and make due with a different cup that has a different color scheme… yet; I believe the better path would be to highlight the cup through a better color scheme, and by also using external devices to make the cup more noticeable.

During one season, American Idol could sit the cups on top of small circular platforms that continually turn, and only stops when a judge grabs hold of the Coca Cola cup. And once the judge places it back onto such a device, it would return back to its prior turning motion.

If the cups were to continuously spin in front of the judges, they (the cups) would stand out – especially if one side of the cup was red with white lettering, while the other half was white red lettering, plus or minus the black bordering.

Each year, American Idol could come up with different ways to make the cups stand out, or they (American Idol) could just leave the set up as it currently is – especially since there getting paid with the current strategy, “as is.”


I hate it when too much ice melts into a cup of soda, and I know I’m not the only one, because I doubt many people have a preferred taste for watered downed soda.

How hard would it actually be to create a cup that separates the ice from the soda, while simultaneously keeping the drink chilled?

It wouldn’t cost too much money to make such a cup Therefore; I’m surprised that no company has been the first to create such a perfect drinking cup.

Off the top of my mind I can envision different ways in which such a cup would look like in its final phase. Can’t you? Think about it before you read any further.

I would imagine that the separation area, in which the ice would be located, would have to be located in the center area of the lid.

Thinking about all of the viable materials that could be used… I would suspect the most viable material to use, would be a thin, flexible, and durable plastic.

I would have to sit back for a while to think through the perfect finished product. Therefore, I will cease to presents my thoughts about the cup design.

Well, I’m pretty convinced that fast food restaurants could do their customers a lot of good, if they’d start serving customers drinks that won’t spoil after the ice melts.