– Over the years I’ve noticed many products being advertised to smokers, as the perfect product to help smokers quit smoking and I have never been impressed with any of such product – especially since they all fall short of what is actually needed: “A Real Cigarette.”

– If a company wants to create the “perfect product” to help smokers quit, they should create real cigarettes that gradually help smokers quit smoking.

– The cigarettes would start out with packs of cigarettes with the average amount of ingredients (tobacco, toxins, etc.), and then provide packs of cigarettes that gradually reduces the amounts of toxins that are added to the cigarettes – especially the levels of nicotine. The filters could also be tweaked a bit, so that the smoker also gradually gets less smoke for each puff of a cigarette.

– I believe that more smokers would quit smoking cigarettes if they were able to gradually wean themselves off of cigarettes, by smoking real cigarettes. Therefore, I’m convinced that all of the current products on the market miss the mark, and are only perfect as secondary products.

– If a company created the cigarette that I mentioned above, the secondary products (gum, patches, smokeless cigarettes, etc.) would still be useful because such products would be perfect for the times in a smoker’s day when they would be unable to smoke a real cigarette.