A couple of years ago I started to reflect on one of the best tasting eggs that I ever ate, and the best thing about such a delicious memory is the fact that it was about two decades old.

At the time I thought about the many ways that I could make money off of such an idea in the future. However, since I have bigger ideas on my plate I’ll talk about such a memory/ idea in greater detail.

When I was a young kid in elementary school one of my teachers taught me how to make a rubber like egg by using an egg and vinegar. She showed me and the rest of the class that an eggs shell would become soft and flexible if the egg was submerged in vinegar for a set amount of hours.

As a kid I was a bit mesmerized at how a hard shelled egg could be turned into a soft shelled egg in which I could lightly squeeze and even drop from short heights and watch the egg bounce.

I was also a little intrigued by the way the newly soft shelled eggs would revert back to hard shelled eggs if left out of the vinegar for a set amount of time.

One of the times in which I put an egg through such a shell altering process I decided to cook the egg, and if my memory serves me right I had scrambled such an egg in a frying pan. That scrambled egg was one of the best, if not the best, egg that I ever ate.

After reflecting on such pleasant memories for a small measure of time, I started to think of ways I could use such a past experience to create a future business plan… and I was convinced that creating “Gourmet Eggs” was the best obvious choice.

If I was to create such gourmet eggs to sell in supermarkets by the carton at a premium price, all I would have to do is alter the manufacturing process slightly, or better yet, find a manufacture willing to do so.

On the other hand, if I was to focus on such gourmet eggs for restaurants I would put a little more focus on the presentation aspect of such an egg.

I started to think about whether or not I could convert the rounded ends of the egg into flatten ends without jeopardizing the composition of the egg once it’s boiled because if I could pull such a maneuver off I would have the perfect gourmet egg – especially since the hard-boiled egg would sit perfectly on the plate it was served, with or without the shell attached.

Later I started to fantasize about how I would be able to use science to figure out what actual ingredients in side of vinegar were responsible for altering the eggs shell or figuring out other substances, etc. that could be used to pull off the same feat without embedding the vinegar taste within the egg. And if I was able to accomplish such I would be able to instill different tastes within the gourmet eggs, such as: garlic, jalapeno, etc.

At the end of the day I’ve got enough ventures (business ventures) to pursue to ponder gourmet eggs any longer.