Archive for January, 2012

It is my opinion that Twitter has one of the most, if not the most stable following on the internet – especially since users are too heavily invested to leave such a site. Therefore, I’m shocked that Twitter hasn’t tapped such a following the right way… if Twitter did, the company’s valuation would rise, and fast.

Since I’ve noticed that Twitter has declined in the press over the years, I will try to give Twitter a chance to grace the headlines once more, by offering them a chance to become more relevant by implementing the idea stated below.

Since famous people love to use Twitter to talk about themselves, and since their followers/ fans love to hear what they have to say, Twitter should capitalize off of such by filling the void that currently exists.

Twitter should allow the fans of Twitter users to put forth a question and/ or pose a request (picture, etc.), and to allow for other parties overlooking all such postings to vote the best ones to the top of the list.

The users would be able to view over the questions and/ or requests posed, and be given a chance to click whether or not they would be willing to respond to the question or request, i.e., to accept or decline…

Advertising companies would be able to overview such postings, and work with Twitter and particular users to sponsor certain questions and/ or requests, plus the answers thereof… pertaining to the user activated postings. In other words, the Twitter user would request a certain amount of money to answer a particular question, or to take a certain photograph. The advertiser would then accept or decline to sponsor such.

If the advertiser accepts, they would be able to post a link next to the sponsored posting, which would take viewers to a video commercial that would indicate how many commercial views it would take before the answer and/ or picture is released. And after each unique viewing, the total required viewing count would drop by one.

Once a person poses a question and/ or request they would be able to request an email alert notifying them of the user acceptance or decline of the request, and any advertising sponsorship thereof. Furthermore, the individuals voting on such postings would also be able to request such email alerts.

As soon as a posting is sponsored, the author and supporters of such a posting would be emailed an alert of such, and a link to the commercial video, in order to give such individuals an immediate chance to support the answer/ photo release campaign.

After viewing the commercial video, individuals would be able to request an email alert notifying them of the campaign’s completion, accompanied by the released answer and/ or photograph therefrom.

Since all of such transactions would take place via Twitter, it’s easy to understand how Twitter would substantially enhance its bottom line, and such would also help Twitter grace the press headlines once again.

Within the contests of my previous blog article titles: More/Better Placement Ads Would Equal Less Commercials, Part Two, I explained how companies could use a wall art strategy within TV shows to advertise their product and / or service. In this article I will focus gain on the walls within TV shows. However, I will focus this time on digital art frames.

If digital art frames were strategically placed on a wall or several walls of a television show, the advertiser could do more for their brand, in terms of the number of viewer impressions, than they would if they merely utilized the commonly used 30 second TV commercial ad.

A digital art frame strategy (ad strategy) would be more effective than the stand alone art ad strategy – especially since such a strategy would allow for different ads to appear on the screens of such digital art frames. Therefore, the television stations would be able to allow advertisers to bid on placing ads at certain points within the RB show’s episodes.

The digital ad art frames would also be perfect for showing a continuous flow of ad art stills, and to make it more interesting, some or all of such stills could be viewer submissions.

Via Facebook, Google+, or a website created through a collaboration of television stations… individuals would be able to view all of the reserved ad spots for each television show, and which advertisers reserved such spots.

Once a viewer finds an advertising campaign in which they want to take part in, they would either submit a drawing based on such a campaign, or they would submit a picture based on such a campaign.

During the broadcast of each television show, a certain amount of viewer submitted drawings and/or photographs would be shown on the digital art frames.

To encourage participation, prizes would be offered to all of the participants… especially to those who allow for an alert to be automatically sent to their Facebook fans, upon the showing of their submission during the broadcast of a particular show, or right before such a showing.

I believe that if such a strategy was implemented correctly, it wouldn’t be looked upon as intrusive. For on the contrary, such a strategy would be looked forward to.

To sweeten the prize incentive, television stations could enter all of the winning submission creator names into an end of the season series drawing, in which the winner of such a drawing would appear in an episode for the following season of such a show.

I previously talked about why I believed digital billboards shouldn’t be in a fixed state, and should be attached to the side of a U-Haul type vehicle, converted Ice Cream Truck, et cetera. And with a little extra thought… I’ve come to understand how entertaining it would be to make such billboards interactive.

The interactiveness of such billboards could work in many different ways. Therefore, I will give at least two examples of how companies would be able to use the interactive component/ aspect of such digital billboards. And such are listed below:

(1) Augmented reality replacements within ads/ commercials…

Companies would be able to create still ads and commercials which individuals would be able to use web cams, augmented reality technology, x-box Kinect tech, and so forth to create ad and/or commercials that would be shown on the mobile digital billboards.

In order to create such ad/commercial prints, individuals would have to first be a fan of the parent company of the product or service that’s being advertised. Therefore, Facebook would be the perfect platform…

On the Facebook fan page of the parent company of a product or service, an individual would be able to choose an ad or commercial campaign in which they would want to take part in, and with the relevant tech stated above, would be able to create an ad or commercial print.

The ad and commercial prints would be integrated into the still ads and commercials shown on the mobile billboards. However, the imprints used at any given time would be based on GPS signals, Facebook friend’s info, location, etc. In other words, the ad or commercial being shown at any particular moment, would try to feature a familiar face.

(2) Facebook verification alerts…

Upon viewing such a familiar face on a mobile digital billboard, the viewer would be able to take a picture of such with their smart phone, and use a MDB app (Mobile Digital Billboard app) to verify such a viewing. Which would send a verification alert to the person appearing in the ad or commercial.

Since I have written the above as it has come to mind… I may seem to have rambled a bit. If so I extend my apologies – especially since I should have thought it out a bit more. To be continued…

P.S. “Viewing Them”



If Facebook offered a child prediction feature, such a feature would make such a site lot more entertaining, and keep members on the site for a longer period of time – especially during the initial time frame after the feature’s release.

The feature would allow members to click onto the pictures of individuals of the opposite sex, and have the option of viewing an image of what their offspring would look like. In other words they would be given the option of predicting what their son or daughter would look like in reality, if they had actually had a baby together in real life.

 To make the experience more interesting, they’d also be able to use age progression software to see what such a child would look like as they aged. And they’d also be able to use such age progression software on the predicted offspring of other pairings outside of their own match up. And then use the prediction software to predict what their offspring and the outside offspring, offspring would look like. In other words, they’d also be able to predict what their grandchildren would look like.

They could entertain themselves by creating virtual family trees, in which they’d be able to save for further tweaking later on, or they’d be able to decide on erasing such.

Famous people would obviously get the most clicks via such a feature – especially since most people have a fascination, and some an obsession, with famous individuals.

I believe such a feature would make the social experience on Facebook a lot more interesting – especially when all the possibilities of such a feature are contemplated.

I love art… works of art that is, and I believe that different strategies could be used in turning advertisements into works of art, and using such art work into in show placement ads.

As long as the piece of art is strategically placed, and the scene(s) that take place in the area in which such art work is located are played out correctly, I’m sure that viewers will notice such an ad.

I’ll give an example of how such a strategy could be used within a scene, and such is as following:

A couple would be in the living room of one of their apartments… they would head for the bedroom, and upon entering the bedroom they would dive onto the bed, and above the bed’s headboard would be an art advertisement.

The ad would be an art creation by a condom maker. The color lay out of the bed (black & white or solid dark colors) would allow for the art work to stand out through the use of loud colors (bright colors, etc.). Therefore, the color schemes would almost guarantee to get viewer impressions from all viewers, for the ad.

If some viewers miss such a highlighted ad… a second attempt at securing an impression would occur… during the bedroom scene the man would turn the light off, and the condom advertisement would shine through the darkness (the ad art would be created with the use of glow in the dark paint).

The camera would move its focus from having the ad art in the scene’s frame, to a point in which just the pitch black area of the bed is in the camera’s focus. At that point the male would pull out the condom which would also glow in the dark. Thereafter the scene would end.

From the start to the end of the bedroom scene, the advertiser would have made three impressions on the majority of viewers, and at the very least two impressions.

It’s vital for advertisers, to understand the importance of placement ads within T.V. shows – especially since most people use commercial breaks to use the bathroom, grab a snake, etc. And the only time during the year in which such isn’t so true, is on the day of the Super Bowl (in the U.S. that is). Therefore, it is my opinion that a creatively placed ad within a show is of more/ greater value than regular T.V. commercial.

I could go on and on about the different ways in which such works of ad art could be used within T.V. shows. However, I believe I said enough in order for relaying my point.


It is my opinion, that many bloggers, express ideas on their blogs that companies should pay close attention to, and the viewers of such articles should have a way to voice their support of such ideas to relevant companies. And the most adequate way to bridge the gap between good ideas and the companies that could/ should use such ideas, is to create a recommendation button that moves people to nudge companies into action.

I understand that Facebook has a like button, and such a button is a relevant way for internet users to support good articles, deals and so forth… and relay their satisfaction thereof to their group of friends. However, such a like button fails to measure the real demand for good ideas, therefore, some good ideas drown inside an ocean of data… a recommendation button would act as a lifeline, and give such ideas a feasible chance of being realized.

The recommendation button/ alerts would work as following:

(1) As soon as an internet user runs across a good idea within a blog article, Tweet or so forth, they would be able to click the recommendation button (heretofore referred to as the reco button.)

(2) Once the reco button is pressed, a list of options would appear on the screen, and some of such options would be as follows:

(A) Highlight/ tag the relevant portion of the text.

(B) Key word input… the user would be able to type in key words relevant to the company and/ or companies in which they think such an idea would be useful. The user would also be allowed to let the reco system search for key words within the relevant text, in which companies select before hand as indicators for appropriate alerts. (Note: users would be able to type in certain companies as key words, but would be encouraged to indicate specific industries by segments thereof.)

(C) Passion/ desire meter… such a meter would allow the user to express how strongly they feel about the idea their recommending.

Once the reco button user provides all the relevant information in relation to the options menu, a reco link would be sent to all the user’s friends.

Once the user’s friends receive such a reco link, they’d be able to click onto such a link in order to get to the options menu.

The first thing that would appear, would be all of the relevant text relating to recommended idea, followed by a showing of the friends submitted key words, with an option to add additional key words. Thereafter, they would be able to provide their own passion/ desire rating.

After completing all of the options within such a reco link, they would be able to send their own personal reco link, minus the friend’s info, to their Facebook friends.

In order to make sure only the best ideas make it to participating companies, such ideas would have to reach a certain participation level.

I could go into all of the benefits of such a reco button concerning consumers (better service, etc.) companies (their bottom line, data, etc.) and so forth. Yet, it should be obvious… for example, the passion/ desire meter would show the likeableness of such an idea within different age groups – especially once the active data (info from reco users) and the inactive data (info retaining to friends who declined the reco link) is analyzed.

In closing, I like “reco button, link, et cetera,” due to its dual meaning. In other words, it refers to two words (recognize and recommended)… meaning that the viewer must recognize the importance of the idea to such a degree, that they would initiate a recommendation movement in support thereof.

At the end of a lot of commercials, I’ve noticed that company logos and brand names appear in black, white or gray/ silver. And a lot of such bland branding appears on a screen that is solid and dull – to me, such unaspiring commercial scenes are eye sores…

Maybe the logo and/ or brand name are shown in such colors, because such colors are the most sex neutral. And if such is true I can kind of understand such conventional wisdom. Yet, I can’t understand why advertisers haven’t found a way to use such neutral brand colors in more creative ways.

I would love to see such logo and brand names highlighted… the following are some random ideas:

(1) Stamping:

I would love to see a solid bar on the screen, in a color such as blue, red, etc…. better yet, let’s go with another sex neutral color: “gold.” And I would like to see the brand name, and or logo, appear into such a solid bar in another color.

The brand name could appear with all the letters simultaneously, or the letters could come up one at a time.

(2) Bar Tracer/ Highlighter:

On such bland screens, I would love to see a colorful bar simultaneously run across all of the relevant information in which the voice over references.

I also want to see more company logos being highlighted on dull commercial pages – especially since they tend to drown amongst the ocean of non – directional content that normally accompanies the stale logos.


No scenes in a commercial should remain in a full black and white format for more than two seconds, before the introduction of some sort of coloration.


I truly do appreciate all of the comments that have been left in response to my blog articles, and look forward to all future comments.

Furthermore, due to time restraints and so on, I’m unable to send instant responses to questions that are posed… but I will respond to each and every question that comes in. Therefore, if you leave a question in the comment section of my blog pertaining to a posting, et cetera, please have a little patience, and I’ll reply when time permits.


I would love to see someone start a company that would creatively deploy a mobile electronic billboard play – especially if done right.

I can imagine several ways in which such an ad strategy could work. However, I will focus my attention on explaining one…

I would convert several types of trucks into mobile billboards. However, I would mainly focus on moving trucks (U-Haul type trucks), and Ice Cream trucks.

As for the U-Haul moving trucks, I would convert both of its sides into electronic billboards, and would probably modify the back door, and turn the inside of the storage area into an area to give out samples, sale related products and/ or to do product presentations.

Stationary billboards are useful, however, they aren’t relevant or useful as they once were – especially in the age of short attention spans, and multitasking that even takes place in moving vehicles.

Mobile billboards would be more eye-catching – especially since such a billboard would be right next to you on the road, or in a parking lot… etc.

Since such mobile billboards wouldn’t be able to play commercials in a continuous stream format while the truck is in motion with other vehicles, at such times ads would be shown in a time delayed page turning format, on the other hand, the commercials would go into play of continuous streaming mode at every traffic stop.

There are a lot of creative ways in which such mobile billboards could be utilized. And to be honest, in my opinion, such mobile billboards would have many more advantages than disadvantages over traditional fixed billboards.

The more trucks available in the mobile billboard fleet would leave more openings in such a strategy play for medium and small companies to take part in such an advertising play.

Now there would many different pricing packages, based on the billboard size, the duration of the ad play, etc. However, some of the mobile billboards could be auctioned by the day, week, month… or even by the hour. And small companies could make bids together, and use the billboard spaces together.